Private Tour in Tulum


Duración: 8 horas
Menores: 4 a 11 años
Transporte Redonda

Fecha de Tour:
Total: 70

Special offer

Visit Tulum ruins one of the most beutiful citys builded for the maya 1500 years ago aporximately, just in front of the most beautiful beaches with withe sands and nice breez, let the PIXANMAYA team help you to make your visit at Tulum ruins be a beautiful experience, our guide will take you in a journy back in the ancient times giving life and history while you walk in the middle of the palaces and the temples and a very beautiful panoramic views, our guide will help you with nice pictures for the good memories of Tulum ruins.

Our tour is special and flexible, you can hire only transportation or it can be all-inclusive; All of our tours can also be combined with nearby places such as cenotes, bays, snorkeling and much more.

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